Independence Day 2018: The New Colossus

Statue of Liberty Series (V4). Photo by Andreas Komodromos

Independence Day 2018

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Emma Lazarus

• • •

Photo by Andreas Komodromos at Flickr. Creative Commons License

100 thoughts on “Independence Day 2018: The New Colossus

  1. I apologise if the first comment was harsh. I did grow up in a country ravaged both by racism, as well as “genteel” methods for putting it in the subtext.

    District 9?



    Second you on that one. It explained a LOT of things:

    Like how before the Civil War historical accounts gave somewhat mixed signals about the South’s Peculiar Institution. Explained by the cultural difference between the English Feudal roots of Tidewater culture (Virginia) and the Expendable Resource mentality of the West Indies Plantation roots of the Deep South.

    And how here in California we seem to be in a constant state of low-grade Civil War. Cali is a clash point of three separate cultures which when put together form an explosive mixture:
    * The Left Coast (transplanted secularized Puritans) who dominate state-level governments and major cities (especially the state capital and Bay Area),
    * Del Norte (influenced by Spanish Colonial Culture/New Spain Feudalism, mostly Mexican) which is strong in the border regions, and
    *The Far West (Wild West-derived pioneer culture, self-reliant and distrustful of those Dudes from the East) in the inland rural areas, always overruled every election by the populations of the major cities.

    In the 2016 election breakdowns, the first two cultures were the blue islands in the red sea of the third.


  3. But their Militant Muslim population is booming through their own version of Quiverfull.

    May be a militant fringe, but these days extremist fringes are becoming mainstream all across the board.


  4. Illegal immigrants rights to benefits:
    Short summary: they don’t get any.

    In the Age of Fake News, whether they do or not is beside the point.
    The point is that it is now Conventional Wisdom/TRVTH/”Everybody Knows That” that they do (and are mooching off all us producers). I’ve seen it among Anglos here in Del Norte for decades; it’s always been a fringe TRVTH, but it’s becoming more and more mainstream.

    — Mythbusters (where it was said as a joke)

    — epitaph for the Age of Fake News?


  5. Just I think it’s kinda funny that while most of the rest of the world is busy learning English as the main international language, we seem to be going against it (our own majority language) in the name of Diversity(TM).

    Like some kind of South Park episode where in the future, everybody else in the world EXCEPT us speaks English.

    There’s also a more serious angle: Moving away from a common language aids some particularly-nasty forms of Us-or-Them tribalism. During the Imperialist periods, convenient “translations” into the local language were a common trick to get the wogs to sign away everything to their new European Colonial Masters. And an ethnic separatist ideology (which can easily turn into Master Race Ideology) depends on isolating their ethnic group into a fortress mentality, and isolating their language is an easy way to do that. Remember Yugoslavia?


  6. Either whatever he’s feeling at the moment or whatever the biggest flatterer among his court favorites told him last. Either way, check Twitter for the latest set-in-stone policy.


  7. Just out of curiosity, has anyone experienced a “WTF Moment” with their church’s July 4 celebration/services this time around? As in ‘Murica pre-empting Christ in their not-a-liturgy? Patriotic songs substituting for hymns? Real lunatic-fringe stuff like a portrait of Trump In Majesty where the altar/pulpit would be? (Or ten meters tall on all the satellite campus telescreens?)


  8. Let me reword it then: Seeming to be complaining about the presence of a variety of languages in civic postings, while the country does not have an official language, can be construed as subconcious racism and or xenophobia. Even if not so intended.

    I apologise if the first comment was harsh. I did grow up in a country ravaged both by racism, as well as “genteel” methods for putting it in the subtext.


  9. Late to the party again….

    I am not sure why we have so many here that live in the world of ideals. What I mean by that is we look at immigration with our bleeding hearts instead of cold hard realities. I believe immigration has made America the great nation it is and will continue to. But there are problems we are continuing to face that many refuse to see.

    First, our current immigration process is broken and in need of repair. What that means is that those who are doing the right thing and following the process are being frustrated. It is a slow, unforgiving process, and not because of those who work there, as many are passionate, it is the government rules that need to be modernized. I speak with some authority here as I am part of that process.

    Second, we cannot just let hordes of people come in undocumented as our infrastructure won’t support it.

    Third, – the children. We look at families through our 21st century American eyes, those poor children, and in turn put in safeguards at our borders to protect against those things we abhor, their exploitation. Yet, in regards to public opinion, that seems to completely go out the window. We turn a blind eye to those crossing the border who carry children with them that are not their own, being brought in for cheap labor or other thing more horrible having been sold by their families. I think it was Mule who first made reference to it and those here should really look into that as it is far more prevalent than the idea that those poor families are having their children inhumanely ripped from their arms.

    Fourth – we should maybe review past immigration waves – this isn’t new folks. What is new is that in the past those who did not assimilate, for instance Germans in the 1700s, did not prosper until they gave up their isolationist tendencies. Today though, we have groups of people who refuse to assimilate into the countries they emigrate to (review what is happening in Europe) with terrible consequences. And I don’t understand why there isn’t outrage by women’s groups against activities in these non-assimilating groups where men go out and assault women who don’t fit their definition of modesty. That should be concerning.

    I am proud to be an American with our warts and all, a place where people can be who they want to be, a place where opinions can be expressed without the fear of retribution (although at this time maybe not so much), and a place where both native and immigrant can grow and be successful.


  10. Very much this. This country needs immigrants. What we don’t need, and what we seem to be getting far too much of, is fear from groups of white people who may find themselves in a minority in the United States at some point in the future. Treat people–all people–decently, and there is much less to fear.


  11. “As much as the Christian would like to remain distant from political struggle, nonetheless, even here the commandment of love urges the Christian to stand up for his neighbor.”
    (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)


  12. For all her faults, and yes she’ll admit to them, Columbia is still the Gem of the Ocean.


  13. What is his immigration policy? Do you know? Could you explain it to me? I don’t mean what are his objectives, but what policy is his administration currently successfully implementing? I hope you’re not going to tell me that the tent cities for the detention of immigrant families is a success, but I have a feeling that’s what you’re going to do.


  14. Klasie, I do not get what your complaint with me is. I think Canada was right in having an official language, my disagreement with Canada official language law is it makes two languages the law of part of the land. Never any problems with the Quebeckers , no melting pot there.

    Sure, u got me there, anyone who has a different perspective is of course xenophobic and racist> What is wrong if I am wearing a slip? It got me out of the military. I am as it is well known Trans Am in honor of Smoky and the Bandit. I chose the lifestyle or did it chose me? Viva La Diff’erence.


  15. Clay , I use many resources to reach a conclusion. How many illegal aliens are currently in this country?. The 11 to 12 million figure has been around for years. So many programs such as English as a second language burdened school systems with extra cost etc. Again I am not a major news researcher or Snopes, do your own research. Common sense and as much objective research as a lay man can do is all I can do. If you or anyone disagrees I can understand but the references cited here by many are no more valid than the FAIR report.

    When you have the Koch Brothers, the C of C, Tyson Chicken low skill, low pay type employers
    , what use to be La Raza, the Democrat Party, the establishment Republicans and the new Socialist Democrats on the same side guess who is going to be not represented? The lower and middle class Americans that have borne the blunt of the stupid trade policies, the non enforcement of our immigration laws and abandonment by their elect representatives. for a new global order at their expense.

    Love the young movie actress ? I do not know, but her tweet yesterday was to implore her Hollywood elite friends to give their maids, nanny’s and lawn people a ride home so ICE does not get them. She got the issue down pretty good. I am sure she will apologize as that is as close as she will get to the working class of any status. It’s good to be the king or live like one.

    Only way Trump can lose in 2020 is to back off his immigration policy. I grew up in Miami Florida, saw the first wave of Cubans come and lived in the community where the then “migrant ” farm workers came for seasonal work but then the wealthy farm people realized they could use them year round and the taxpayers could subsidize them , creating a easy to manage low pay work force.

    Know two people against illegal aliens coming into country. migrant farm worker champion Chavez and old time Democrat of Texas Barbara Jorden.


  16. Hello Ric,

    I see what you are saying.
    But it’s no good: we ‘moms’ weep with those who weep.

    So, here’s to better days when our nation’s ‘strong’ leadership no longer torments little children.
    Until then, for those of us who are ‘moms’, many of us are keeping vigil.
    We will celebrate hopefully soon. Nothing so joyful as a mother-and-child reunion.

    These are difficult days, Ric. I’m not without hope. And I do celebrate the people who are working hard to help get the children back with their parents.


  17. First of all, the post of the Lazarus poem was an invitation to us to actually be American by thinking and talking about the values and principles articulated in the poem, which CM, our host, said he believes are a reflection of the ideals expressed in our founding documents. Apologies for the snark veered into, but no apologies for the discussion or disagreement.

    Second, not all of us feel or act the same way about being American as you may believe we should feel or act, nor do we believe we’re obliged to on this day or any other.

    Third, not all of us feel or act the same way about being American as we ourselves felt and acted just a couple years ago. Some of us are in the grip of serious doubts about whether or not the democratic experiment in this country is under existential threat. Please don’t expect us not to grapple with those doubts on this or any other day, because we will disappoint your expectations.

    Ain’t that America….


  18. Adam I am not Snopes or fact check. I follow sources listed here and do my own home work. So many variables in real impact of illegal aliens. I think FAIR makes a fair point check them and validate or invalid their facts and analysis.


  19. I think he looks more like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wearing an oversized boxy suit to hide his girth.


  20. References and citations please. As econifact and politifact are well respected organizations which are utilize peer review and best practices

    Claims of “bias” are nothing more than hiding behind your lack of supporting data.


  21. I think of the Statue of Liberty, which I have seen from many an airplane over NYC, and I have been PROUD of it, and now when I read the words of Emma Lazarus, I feel sad and strangely lost

    I’m more inclined to envision the Trump
    . . . and of the ruins of a monument that might be raised to Trump’s memory in some dystopian future,
    and in those ruins, we would find another kind of words, not unlike the poem by Shelley, this:


    “I met a traveller from an antique land,
    Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
    And on the pedestal, these words appear:
    My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

    And if I stop and remind myself that it is our country’s fate to endure this present moment, I remember then the prophet Simon who had warned us in those days when we were young and smug:


  22. Adam rhyme. I can separate the onions, the tomatoes, the olives, all parts of a salad . They are thrown together , they maintain their own I’d as part of the salad. The salad is held together by the melted pot.

    I will stick with the melting pot that holds the various fruits of liberty.


  23. Their record, their lack of financial disclosure, their bias. We all have to make a judgement call . Just lost a major lawsuit over 3 million to a moderate Muslim they wrongly reported on. Years ago they were relevant and honest , mow no credit ability with me


  24. ABC News
    This Fourth of July, nearly 14,000 immigrants become America’s newest citizens, swearing the oath of allegiance at 27 naturalization ceremonies across the nation that coincide with the country’s 242nd birthday and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.


  25. Adam T W Every “study” report on immigtation has to be examined and not taken at face value. I believe the FAIR report to be valid, and their conclusions sound. All organizations and reports cited. Those that disagree with FAIR need to be examined to see who represents the better basis for their point of view.

    I once thought the SPLC was objective but they are hacks now. Have to do your own research now more than ever. Thanks for the info


  26. Purple Rain is righteous.

    Prince = guitar hero. Someone once asked Eric Clapton how it felt to be the world’s best guitar player. He replied, “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Prince.”


  27. BTW, up in comment @ July 4, 2018 at 1:58 pm Iain Lovejoy provided the references for the falseness/fake-news-ness of the propaganda piece “2017 FAIR Report on Immigration” you referenced.

    Just in case you missed it. #data

    I recommend spending less time reading those non-credible sources.


  28. Illegal immigrants rights to benefits:
    Short summary: they don’t get any.
    The Federation for American Immigration Reform is a lobby group for reduced immigration, the figure is not actually a net figure since it ignores taxes paid by illegal immigrants, it includes US Citizens who are the children of illegal immigrants, and in any event its figures appear to be grossly inflated and to a large extent simply made up.


  29. > There are two visions of America,

    There are never two competing visions about anything, this is Booleanism, and is a trope – – – a trope which explains why so much of our media|news functions as a vacuous grimoire. The problem with the “two” is there are multiple ideas about even what “nation” means.

    There are, at least, 12 competing visions. Check out Colin Woodward’s “American Nations”. Many of these Visions have deep historical roots, they’ve been with us for a long time.

    They form alliances, coalitions, get into squabbles, occasionally they have even had shooting wars [most of which are carefully edited out of our history textbooks].

    Reality is very complicated, and old; we should embrace that.


  30. Klasie no where did I imply English was the official language of the USA. Common sense and the melting pot goal made English the language of American society.

    Unlike the official language act of Canada that helps solidify Canada.


  31. +1

    > continually school the American right about their own country?

    Why as a Leftist do I constantly have to explain to “conservatives” how markets work? America has become a bizarre place; it is like wading though a flood of Special Pleading arguments regarding every conceivable issue.


  32. I believe in America the idea. I recognize the necessity of America the nation-state. So long as the latter aspires to the former I am content. When the latter threatens to trump (pun intended) the former, I’m gonna whine and scream and call the purveyors of that devil’s bargain on the carpet.


  33. I was born here because my great grandfather was allowed to immigrate here. That is one reason the words of the poem mean so much to me.


  34. There are two visions of America, at war with one another since our nation’s founding. There is America the nation state, with borders and armies and interests. Then there is America the idea, a vision of human freedom and rational secular democracy. Some note the contradictions, some attempt to reconcile them, some who hold fervently to one of these visions seem hardly aware the other exists.


  35. My I remind you, once again, that the United States does not have an official language! So coter registration in multiple languages is actually a very, very American thing to do!

    Why must this naturalized Canadian continually school the American right about their own country?


  36. Bear in mind that many of the people who speak those languages came here precisely so they *could* have a vote on who leads them and how.


  37. The coolest stuff and symbology about America failed to become popular. I’m failing to think of them but there are so many that are just so much cooler, rooted in mythology and compassion and humanism.

    Instead we got the horrific mess we have now. Probably since 1976 if we had to date it.


  38. Its cultural diversity, and the acceptance and celebration thereof, is one of the things that makes NYC strong, peaceful and prosperous.


  39. > I want my STUFF!

    Even worse when the threats to your stuff are largely imaginary.


  40. A salad with just lettuce is terrible. I have never seen anyone, even at the most hipster restaurant, order such a thing.


  41. People can’t be one because they, or their parents, most fluently speak different languages? Nah, there is no problem.


  42. The melting pot has not melted. It’s not even a melting pot. It’s actually a salad bowl in which the various ingredients get jumbled together.


  43. Your devout Trumpism is becoming clearer to me. It appears you don’t want American citizens voting unless it’s in English. Welcome to the 21st century Poll Tax!


  44. One of the beautiful things about NYC is that so many people, from so many different places in the world, live side by side, and together, without warfare, and with little ethnically motivated crime (little crime altogether, for that matter). Up until the middle of the nineteenth century Dutch was spoken as much in NYC (New Amsterdam) as English was, but the country was not at risk because of that; it was at risk, however, because of slavery. The U.S. has no official language; it doesn’t need one.


  45. Official New York City voter registration sign up languages , Arabic, Chinese, Bangla, Urdu, Spanish, Creole, Russian, French, Albanian, Greek, Italian, Polish, Tagalog , Yiddish and finally English. Translators are provided at voting time or you can bring your own .

    Guess the melting pot has melted. I do not think even Jane Adams would believe this.

    Talk about id politics. One out of many one replaced by out of many to vote for your tribe, see I have learned something here.


  46. Unreflective pride in country is more jingoism. I recall to our memory the words of Abraham Lincoln himself…

    “As a nation, we began by declaring that “all men are created equal.” We now practically read it “all men are created equal, except negroes” When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read “all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.” When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty — to Russia, for instance – where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”


  47. Not proud, never was. My family immigrated here for economic reasons – just like the VAST majority of all immigrants ever, anywhere

    Then I was born, where they were, because that is how human reproduction works.

    National pride is silly.


  48. +1.

    I was also thinking… How much am I willing to FIGHT for the stuff that I’m grateful God has giving me? I think that’s a key question, and one that most Christians (self included) answer poorly. I want my STUFF! Please, God…don’t bring people along who take my STUFF!!!

    The Bible is filled with stories about God’s people – Jesus included – losing their stuff, sacrificing their stuff, etc. We should be more willing to release that which God has so graciously given us. Tough, real tough, to put that into practice.


  49. NBCNews: From Gallup: Just 47 percent in the U.S. say they’re “extremely proud” to be Americans — a record low. Among Dems, it’s just 32%, compared with 74% for Republicans.


  50. You tell ’em. Also those people in the other 37 states. Their states weren’t there on the original 4th of July. So how dare they celebrate…



  51. I happen to think the Statue has a lot to do with this day. It is a reflection, in my opinion, of the ideals expressed in our founding documents, and this holiday is a day to celebrate and consider those ideals.


  52. Me, too. And trying to figure out how to bless others with those blessing I’ve received.


  53. Maybe that same Sovereign God placed us here so we could welcome, to this beautiful land of opportunity, our brothers and sisters fleeing religious and political tyranny, poverty, and violence? What do you think?


  54. And people flip-flop between brutal utilitarianism and high-minded moral principles depending on the issue.

    I would happily deal with people who were broadly in one camp or another; one.can have a reasonable debate with such people. But when one issue is under umbrella A and this other issue is under umbrella B – – – both umbrellas are BS.


  55. There’s only a purple haze. If you put yourself within the vicinity of the White House, you’ll get a snout full — they’re smoking something real strong in there.


  56. Seriously folks?
    What does the Statue of Liberty have to do with July 4th? Bartholdi didn’t make it til the late 1800’s.

    My history books state that July 4th is a celebration and reminder of declaring our independence from England.

    Let’s remember to celebrate a revolution that not only was based in ideas, but in truth. Not violence, ahem.

    The DofI is one amazing document, and should be admired as such.

    And here we are, over 200+ years later…going strong. Issues? Yep. That’s what makes us so great all these years later – we have a constitution that weathers the tests of time.

    Let’s be grateful.


  57. Europe is in the same demographic boat, only more so. If they continue to succeed in discouraging immigration, as they have in the last couple years, they have to be careful not to succeed too much, otherwise there will be no young caretakers to look after all the aging, childless sybarites.


  58. I am grateful to the Sovereign God whose plan for me was, I would be born into the USA.

    I am grateful for the freedom and privileges granted me.


  59. Edited. See above.

    …the post of Lazarus’ poem on this day is an invitation to think critically about our country’s guiding purposes and values, and to take stock of where we stand in relation to them as a people and nation….


  60. I think part of the difficulty in this discussion (aside from the fact that quantifying the costs and benefits of immigration is very difficult) is that some people approach it from a purely utilitarian economic perspective, and others approach it from a moral perspective.

    As a Christian, I don’t have a problem with some of my money being used to support others who are in need. And as someone who has read the whole Bible multiple times, I can’t help but be aware of how often it talks about our treatment of “the alien, the fatherless, and the widow” as a moral issue. There are dozens of laws in the Bible concerning fair treatment of resident aliens. But many evangelicals, unfortunately, have not read the whole Bible and are more influenced by conservative culture than by Scripture.


  61. But of course….there’s a tin-foil hat explanation (sometimes several tin-foil hat explanations, all mutually exclusive and operating at the same time, like parallel universes all unconnected but equally true!) for everything that doesn’t fit the Trumpian narrative. Consider yourself red pilled.


  62. I find appalling the idea, very popular with Trump and his supporters, that we should accept no refugees unless there is total certainty that they present no security risk, and that we should accept no refugees from countries on the travel ban list that we have helped turn into exactly the kinds of places that have made tens of thousands of refugees — Yemen, Iraq, Syria. I personally cannot believe that God smiles on a country or people that creates human nightmares in other, far-off places, and then refuses to help alleviate the human suffering created, but aside from any theological considerations it just does not comport with the better side of our human nature. It’s barbaric and savage.


  63. Under the current political dispensation that should be changed to, “Give Me Your Filthy Rich.”


  64. Kent, WA, near where I live, has become one of the first stops for refugees who make it through the initial vetting process. One of the high schools in the area has so many different tribes attending it that over 130 languages are spoken there (Kent-Meridian High; I recommend you look it up and read some of the news about it).

    I’ve heard some of these kids’ stories. Tragic and amazing, worthy of cinematic representation. Getting these families the support they need – some of them large, and many parented only by a non-English speaking mother – is vital to their survival here. And we aren’t talking about aliens from another planet, we are talking flesh-and-blood humans, ones who’ve suffered through some awful things. Not many of them chose the path they’re on.


  65. If it were not for immigration, legal and illegal, the good old USA would begin to shrink like those two day old birthday balloons. It’s no fun staring down the business end of statistics.


  66. Didn’t you know? The Cato Institute has been infiltrated by The Deep State — now it’s nothing but an enclave of pointy-headed RHINOs. Duh!


  67. Are you saying the 2017 FAIR Report on Immigration has skewed the facts to support their findings? On what basis do you believe the findings to be valid? Your last paragraph is a two-edged sword.

    The Cato Institute, by no means a liberal institution, say the the report is, “fatally flawed”.

    You can read their report here.


  68. Do you want the U.S. to be closed to any needy immigrants? You only want winners?

    Also I wonder: Do you not want to accept any refugees from troubled places around the world, unless there is 100% certainty that there is no risk in having them here? Syria, Yemen, Iraq — these are places which have created many refugees, and we as a country have had a big role in making them into the kind of places that create refugees, but you think it right that they are on the travel ban list, and that we not accept refugees that we’ve helped create? Never mind Christian ethics, I’m under no illusion that the U.S is or ever has been a “Christian nation”; the better angels of the simple human capacities for fairness and empathy tell us that we should help clean up the human messes that we’ve had a hand in making, even if it involves some level of risk.


  69. Iain, Do you think that the safety net of benefits is limited to Social Security, that I did not even mention. How about food stamps, health care, education, legal system and social system cost that illegal aliens have access to, whether legally or illegally.

    Bottom line , I believe the 2017 FAIR Report on Immigration which found illegal aliens with all issues factored in , resulted in a net cost of $115 billion to the American taxpayer. I know many here will not accept the findings but I believe them to be valid.

    Many here will reject the FAIR report out of hand , but read it with an open mind.

    It is very hard to get a Sgt. Joe Friday report on illegal alien cost as facts are skewered and slanted to fit the narrative of the story or position on illegal immigration.


  70. Mother of Exiles, or maker of exiles? It has been both in the past. The European colonials made inner exiles of the indigenous peoples and kidnapped exiles of the people it brought here enslaved, even as they sought their own liberty in this virgin land. That mixed and conflicted history has continued down to the present. Which will it be now and in the future: Mother of Exiles, or maker of exiles?


  71. “Now all this was before the big magnet of social safety net we have now.”
    Immigrants to the US don’t get social security unless they are there legally and even then not until they have worked and paid taxes there for 10 years. No-one is coming into the US to claim social security. Someone is lying to you.


  72. CM, Immigration is certainly in the news and certainly always been integral to American success, but it is America’s birthday. today.

    However, since we are here the 1883 poem on the base was written after the 1882 Immigration Act that had quite an effect on legal immigration reflective of that time. One of the key pieces in the 1882 was no one that was “likely to become a public charge” was permitted to immigrate. Ships bringing immigrants had to pay 50 cents a head to pay for the immigration services. Very specific language, no convict, lunatic or idiots were allowed. If a criminal was found , the ship had to pay for return trip. The Chinese Exclusion Act was in direct contradiction to the Dec Of Ind. , so it is a long painful path the nation has traveled to live up to the Dec. Of Ind. but at least America tries.

    Now all this was before the big magnet of social safety net we have now. Immigration was based on what was perceived as good for the country not the individuals. The flow of immigration was turned on like a spigot to provide workers to fill up the country and provide the labor needed.

    Based on my family history I would say they certainly were the tired and poor. I am tired of being poor but not in spirit hopefully.


  73. There’s a stirring choral arrangement of the last few lines, “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor”, by Irving Berlin.


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