Wendell Berry: …these were Heavenly

River Shore, Deep Summer (Harlan Hubbard)

“…these were Heavenly”
by Wendell Berry

The painter Harlan Hubbard said
that he was painting Heaven when
the places he painted merely were
the Campbell or the Trimble County
banks of the Ohio, or farms
and hills where he had worked or roamed
a house’s gable and roofline
rising from a fold in the hills,
trees bearing snow, two shanty boats
at dawn, immortal light upon
the flowing river in its bends.
And these were Heavenly because
he never saw them clear enough
to satisfy his love, his need
to see them all again, again

from Wendell Berry. Leavings: Poems

10 thoughts on “Wendell Berry: …these were Heavenly

  1. that this human ability to ‘glimpse something bigger and greater’ exists among all human persons is proof that in our DNA there is the reason for that ability – we were made this way


  2. “ And these were Heavenly because
    he never saw them clear enough
    to satisfy his love, his need
    to see them all again, again”

    Reminded me of a line from Pink Floyd:

    “ When I was a child
    I caught a fleeting glimpse
    Out of the corner of my eye
    I turned to look but it was gone
    I cannot put my finger on it now
    The child is grown
    The dream is gone…”


  3. “[Anna and Harlan] lived at the crossroads of a vital paradox;
    by having little, they had much;
    by living frugally, they lived abundantly;
    by living ‘apart from the world’ they lived in the world intimately and truly.”

    (this quote is by Wendell Berry, a friend of Harlan Hubbard)


  4. a journey into the

    ‘ Wonder ‘

    and Harlan’s ‘revelation’, this:
    “Go confidently into the direction of your dreams,
    live the life you have imagined”


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