Reconsider Jesus – The Exorcist (Mark 1:21-28)

Reconsider Jesus – A fresh look at Jesus from the Gospel of Mark A devotional commentary by Michael Spencer Compiled and Edited by: Michael Bell Table of Contents The Exorcist 21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed atContinue reading “Reconsider Jesus – The Exorcist (Mark 1:21-28)”

Tuesday with Michael Spencer: The God of Job’s Complaints

Tuesday with Michael Spencer The God of Job’s Complaints (2008) Job 10 ‘I loathe my life; I will give free utterance to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I will say to God, Do not condemn me; let me know why you contend against me. Does it seem good toContinue reading “Tuesday with Michael Spencer: The God of Job’s Complaints”

Teaching One Another: Luke 14:25-33

Teaching One Another Luke 14:25-33 We haven’t done this for awhile, and Sunday to come presents a good opportunity for me to revive the “Teaching One Another” category. I’ll be preaching in my congregation, and as we traditionally do in the Lutheran church, my focus will be upon the Gospel text. And what a textContinue reading “Teaching One Another: Luke 14:25-33”

The Conundrum of a Warrior God (5)

Greg Boyd’s The Crucifixion of the Warrior God is the kind of book that gets my juices going. I love thinking and talking about the Bible and how to read, study, and interpret it, and I find Boyd’s book exhilarating. Greg is a wonderful writer, is passionate about Jesus and the Scriptures and relentless in his efforts toContinue reading “The Conundrum of a Warrior God (5)”

The Conundrum of a Warrior God (4)

Greg Boyd’s “Cruciform Hermeneutic” The cross does not just happen to be the place where God decided to concretely illustrate the kind of love he eternally is. The cross rather contains within itself a logic that necessitates that we embrace it as the definitive, unsurpassable revelation of God’s loving nature. (CWG I, p. 154) TheContinue reading “The Conundrum of a Warrior God (4)”

The Conundrum of a Warrior God (3)

Note from CM: First of all, I want to commend and thank everyone for one of the best discussions of the Bible and theological issues this week that I’ve ever been part of. This has been most stimulating and encouraging. Today, as we prepare to look at Greg Boyd’s book, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God,Continue reading “The Conundrum of a Warrior God (3)”

The Conundrum of a Warrior God (2)

Note from CM: When I have a question about reading the Hebrew Bible, one of my first stops is Pete Enns. We reviewed his great book, The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It, a while back, and since one of its emphases is on helping Bible readers understandContinue reading “The Conundrum of a Warrior God (2)”

Navigating the Conundrum of a Warrior God (1)

I am currently working through Greg Boyd’s massive and challenging new book, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God: Volumes 1 & 2, his two-volume explanation and defense of a hermeneutical approach that Christians can take to resolve the disparities between the wrathful, violent, even genocidal God of the Hebrew Bible and God revealed through the non-violent teachingsContinue reading “Navigating the Conundrum of a Warrior God (1)”

Difficult Scriptures: Luke 12:49-56

I was pressed into service to preach on Sunday because of an illness, and I was delighted (delighted, I say!) to learn that the Gospel text for Sunday was Luke 12:49-56. Oh boy. I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism with which to beContinue reading “Difficult Scriptures: Luke 12:49-56”

Why the Change in the Crowd?

A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in theContinue reading “Why the Change in the Crowd?”