The Lost World of the Torah (2) — How ANE Laws Work

The Lost World of the Torah (2) How ANE Laws Work We are considering John Walton’s book, The Lost World of the Torah: Law as Covenant and Wisdom in Ancient Context. Walton is a professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, and an editor and writer of many OT studies and commentaries, focusing attention onContinue reading “The Lost World of the Torah (2) — How ANE Laws Work”

The Lost World of the Torah (1) — Introduction

The Lost World of the Torah (1) Introduction Though [it] is a popular view, we will contend, in contrast, that Scripture is not a body of information containing propositions that are always valid in all places and times. Instead, we will find much greater need to resist the thinking that there is a divinely inspiredContinue reading “The Lost World of the Torah (1) — Introduction”

A blast from my so-called “biblical” past

The other day I had a reminder of my past evangelical life and the way I used to think and teach. Watching an online sermon from a local conservative evangelical Bible-teaching church with which I am very familiar, I was struck at the implicit (and explicit) theme that pervaded the message. It wasn’t the specificContinue reading “A blast from my so-called “biblical” past”

Tuesday with Michael Spencer: Five Reasons I Don’t Use the Term “Inerrancy”

Tuesday with Michael Spencer Five Reasons I Don’t Use the Term “Inerrancy” Five Reasons I Don’t Use The Term Inerrancy: 1. Inerrancy is a term that requires too many intelligent, honest Christians to violate their consciences over what they read in the text of the Bible, and no amount of “Resolving Bible Difficulties” resources canContinue reading “Tuesday with Michael Spencer: Five Reasons I Don’t Use the Term “Inerrancy””

When a survey and its interpretation miss the point entirely

In an article at Christianity Today, Ryan Burge reflects upon the results from the General Social Survey about American Christians’ view of the Bible. The GSS has been asking the same question since 1984: Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? 1. The Bible is the actual word ofContinue reading “When a survey and its interpretation miss the point entirely”

An Evangelical Takes Evangelicals to Task about Inspiration

An Evangelical Takes Evangelicals to Task about Inspiration Today, let’s consider more from Craig D. Allert and his book, A High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the New Testament Canon. As we do, here are just a couple of reminders: Craig Allert is an evangelical who teaches atContinue reading “An Evangelical Takes Evangelicals to Task about Inspiration”

How We Got the Bible: An Evangelical Scholar Speaks

We’ve talked about (and critiqued) the evangelical view of how we came to have the Bible. I want you to see a video today to show you that I have not given you a caricature of their position. As you watch this, please note how Prof. Grudem completely omits the human side of the processContinue reading “How We Got the Bible: An Evangelical Scholar Speaks”

The Bible’s Formation: Beyond a “Binder” Mentality

One of the best books available on the subject of how the NT canon was formed is Craig Allert’s A High View of Scripture. Allert is an evangelical, but he became troubled with the “dropped from the sky” view of scripture that evangelicals hold. He came to believe “that a high view of Scripture shouldContinue reading “The Bible’s Formation: Beyond a “Binder” Mentality”

What the Bible Actually Teaches (5) — Open Mic Edition

What the Bible Actually Teaches (5) Open Mic Edition Let’s do something a little different today. One of the main points of Pete Enns’s book is about how the Bible depicts God.  in various ways according to the culturally-conditioned understandings of its ancient authors. We will discuss that more next week, with examples from theContinue reading “What the Bible Actually Teaches (5) — Open Mic Edition”

How the Bible Actually Works (4)

How the Bible Actually Works (4) Today we continue blogging through Pete Enns’s new book on the Bible. As I’ve said in our recent posts on The Bible and the Believer, one of my tasks this year will be to work on answering two questions that Pete raises regularly in his writings and podcasts: WhatContinue reading “How the Bible Actually Works (4)”