BEYOND Traditional Marriage: A New Program

Another Look: BEYOND Traditional Here is another look at a proposed program for strengthening marriages that we suggested a few years ago. We don’t just promote traditional marriage, we recommend going BEYOND traditional marriage and taking up these tried and true practices that are fully Biblical™ and forever enshrined for us in the pages ofContinue reading “BEYOND Traditional Marriage: A New Program”

Made in Canada, Eh? – Canada’s New Pope

Tragically the two founders of the “Church of the Universe”, have both recently passed away. I say tragically, because Rev. Tucker and Brother Michael never got to see the day they had long fought for. They were quite the colourful characters as you will read in the links above. Their church considered Pot smoking aContinue reading “Made in Canada, Eh? – Canada’s New Pope”

Made in Canada, Eh? The announcement edition.

It is time for another “Made in Canada, Eh?” This week the announcement edition, some of the items from across Canada that have caught my attention recently. So without much further ado, here is what is making news in the frozen north. 1. Still working on my final post for the Ally series, hope toContinue reading “Made in Canada, Eh? The announcement edition.”

Made in Canada, eh?

Episode 1: Today I am introducing a new occasional series. “Made in Canada, eh?” This will be a sometimes humorous, sometimes serious look at events in Canada that should be of interest to our American and international readers. Sometimes we may even foray into dangerous terrritory and take a look at American events from aContinue reading “Made in Canada, eh?”

Another Look: Group Seeks Genesis Ban

A Christian group, concerned about moral breakdown in American society, is pushing for a ban on the book of Genesis. A spokesperson for “People Involved in Saving, Securing, and Defending the Old-Fashioned Family” (PISSDOFF), said that decent citizens have come together to protest the publication and distribution of Bibles containing Genesis. They say that our culture cannotContinue reading “Another Look: Group Seeks Genesis Ban”

Support Scuba Missions!

I’m helping a group of young people from our local Methodist church on a mission trip in Providence, Rhode Island this week. We are working with Providence Rescue Mission through Praying Pelican Missions. We have all we need, but I thought I’d introduce you to a couple that is asking for support for their “mission”Continue reading “Support Scuba Missions!”